About Evan
- Born in South Bend, Indiana in 1987.
- Moved (rather, was carried) to Chattanooga, TN in 1988.
- Began piano and violin lessons at age 4 in 1990/'91.
- Attended Hamilton County public schools from 1993-2006.
- Lived in Hamm, Germany for 5 months in high school in 2005.
- Attended UT Chattanooga from 2006-2010.
- Graduated with a B.A. Communication in December 2010.
- Worked 3 yrs. in marketing for local manufacturer through 2013.
- Gained sales experience from 2013 through 2016.
- Served on YPAC board from 2011 through 2014.
- Served on GOLD Alumni Council from 2011 through 2015.
- Served on Sister City Association of Chattanooga Board in 2014.
- Was introduced to our furry child, Lambo, in March of 2015.
- Married Megan on May 21, 2016.