Life Doesn't Always Go As Planned, And That's O.K.
I am about to begin my 29th trip around the Sun on September 3rd. It's a big deal to be 29 years old (or as Megan would say, "Might as well be 30"). In my time on this Earth, I have accomplished a lot. I have also made many mistakes. I have learned a lot about myself and others. But I can't help thinking my own life expectations and goals have yet to be reached. And that's not a bad thing.
What would be bad, however, is if I were to just quit where I am today, at this moment. As an example, I was raised to compete, be the best, excel. I was expected by my parents and eventually myself to get A's, scorned for B's and literally punished for C's and below. I did not always agree with this parenting strategy but I graduated from high school with a 3.75 GPA and college with a 3.6. It wasn't perfect, but it was certainly commendable given the aforementioned mistakes I had made during that time.
In my early career, even including hourly jobs in college, I was laser-focused on success. I worked incredibly hard, achieved goals, surpassed expectations and more. I even worked my way up the ladder pretty quickly and was given a large degree of responsibility, both for my age and level of experience. Again, I was far from attaining perfection, but I did a good job and stayed grounded.
After I was laid off from my first job, I reached a point where I was unsure what I really wanted to do with my career. I love marketing and what it does for business. But there weren't many opportunities available during my search. I decided to try out sales based on some previous advice I had received from a consultant and made the transition. It was fun, I did pretty well, but felt unfulfilled. Sales is great and good for making money, but truthfully it's not where my passion lies. Three sales jobs later, and a moderate degree of success, and I found myself unemployed. Not exactly the level of achievement I have come to expect based on my first few years in the workforce. And a big ol' kick in my gut to boot.
If I thought I was at a crossroads after my first job, then imagine how I am feeling now having been unemployed for 4 months. I have turned down four sales job offers in that time and have lately been focused on identifying a marketing opportunity that fits me as perfectly as possible. I have also gotten married, started a car club for Mustang enthusiasts, albeit slowly, and worked on several woodworking projects around the house of which I am very proud. None of these things pay the bills, but they allow me to work back towards the feeling of success and accomplishment to which I had become accustomed. And this has helped me realize an important life lesson: My life is not going the way I imagined it would by 29 years of age. In some ways, it's sort of worse. In many ways, however, it's so much better! I have a wonderful wife and dog, a great place to live, some awesome hobbies, and some great friends. I am in a position to choose a career, not just go get a job (though I could use some income if I am being truthful!). I know full well that I will find something soon if I keep looking and using my networking skills. So even if my life is veering off the path I saw for myself before reality entered the arena, at least I know that nothing is lost. My life is out of my hands sometimes, and that is 100% O.K. -EB